Plaster, acrylic and deer bone

Plaster, acrylic and deer bone
Season of Sadness
Polymerclay and acrylic
Watercolours and pencils
15 x 15 cm
Series of sculptures/ polymerclay, acrylic, plastic and cardboard/ 2023
Series of sculptures/ polymerclay, acrylic, plastic and cardboard / 2023
Duration: 20´, 2017
In the first part of this two-parted performance I wash my self vigorously with a hand soap. While I´m washing myself there is a speaker that spouts out offensive sobriquets from finnish language.
Duration: 20´, 2017
In the second part I make a cross made from mirrors. I play the traditional hopscotch game, where you throw a stone to one of the squares, and try to fetch it by hopping with one leg across the sphere. Gradually the brick that I use instead of a pebble breaks the mirrors, leaving a shattered cross behind.
acrylic, plaster and strings, 2017
watercolour and ink on paper, 70×100 cm, 2020
Duration 25´ l 2015
I picked a volunteer from the audience. The volunteer read homophobic and racist comments, articles and blog entries of far-right politicians and organizers. Meanwhile as the volunteer read these heinous statements, I walked among the audience tearing the pedals of rose bouquet. When all the pedals were torn, I used what was left of the bouquet as whip and I whipped myself with the thorns of the roses.